Information about Evaluations

Forensic Psychological Evaluations

Dr. Kohutis performs several types of forensic psychological evaluations related to child custody cases:

  • Comprehensive Child Custody Evaluations
  • Relocation/Removal Evaluations
  • Risk Assessments
  • Settlement-Based Evaluations

The purpose of these psychological assessments is to ascertain what is in the child’s best interest. Click on each evaluation above to learn more about the specific processes and requirements.

What is forensic psychology?

Forensic psychology is the intersection of psychology and law. Forensic psychologists are specialists who advise the court on the psychology involved in legal cases.

What is a forensic psychological evaluation?

A forensic psychological evaluation is a thorough psychological assessment of the relevant individual(s) involved in a legal case. In child custody cases, these assessments include interviews with the parents, the children, and collateral contacts; psychological testing and questionnaires; and a thorough review of any relevant documents.

Who does forensic psychological evaluations in NJ?

Dr. Kohutis is a forensic psychologist and psychotherapist, and she provides forensic psychological evaluations at her office in Livingston, New Jersey. Regardless of being retained by the court, by one party, or jointly retained, her role, as the evaluator, is to remain as she conducts these psychological assessments. Contact Dr. Kohutis to schedule an initial appointment.

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